A key factor in changing from a subconscious to a conscious mind is how we view everyday situations. Our perspective of what’s going on around us. Say you’re in a grocery store. A few feet down the aisle is another person looking in your direction, mumbling under their breath. What is your first thought? Be honest with yourself if you want to change because deceiving yourself will get you nowhere.
I know a lot of people who have one perception of this scenario and some will automatically act on it, confronting the person, thinking they were just insulted, only to find out that the person was looking at a product just beyond and talking to themselves. Or maybe they were on a Bluetooth, or they might even just be enjoying talking to themselves. This person is simply looking in your direction mumbling nothing more nothing less.
Living consciously is seeing the events around you for what they are without over-analyzing or judging. Eventually, you might be able to see most things in life are exactly what they are. This is a goal of mine and it takes time and a lot of practice.
It doesn’t matter if these concepts are new to you or if you’re already using them. The process of changing thought patterns is always the same. The first step is always going to be recognizing the issue or situation and how you viewed it. I recommend that you acknowledge that your perception may be a little warped or off.
By acknowledging this you open your mind to other options of what might be happening. Sometimes you can think of plenty of options yourself. Sometimes you’ll need to get someone else’s perspective.
How do you view what’s happening in your life? Is there a chance that view might be a little warped or off?
I read, I pray
I sink, I swim
Where did this pain truly begin
Was it with family
Was it with friends
Was it with lies that were told
With the original sin
My heritage tells me I need to be this
The government tells me I need to be that
Fuck them
I can’t make a rabbit come out of a hat
Who am I.
I wasn’t me from the start
I discover myself when I’m torn all apart
I’m learning to be who I want ME to be
It’s here and now I’m discovering me